Applicant Information
Important Information
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess your suitability and identify potential risk factors for the specific job position you are applying to. Your test profiles will be compared to a representative sample of individuals who have performed in that job position in a satisfactory manner. Those results are then integrated with your background information and interview observations. Specifically, we measure and assess how well you compare to this sample on characteristics and traits that public safety agencies have identified as essential for the job position. Therefore, those applicants who are not found suitable for the position should not view this finding as an opinion that they have serious emotional problems or that they cannot perform successfully at other jobs. Rather, it means that their evaluation results did not compare favorably to those people already employed and performing the specific public safety position.
Since the public safety agency is our primary client for this evaluation, please do not call our office asking for your results. We usually provide results to agencies within a few days of testing but it is up to the agency as to how fast they will inform you of the results. If you have not heard from your agency for an extended period of time, then we recommend contacting the appropriate agency official to inquire about your application status.
Security of test information, test materials and preventing misuse of reports is important. Therefore, the final report generated from this evaluation is for the exclusive use of the referring agency and we will not provide you or a third party with a copy of your report. If you wish to obtain a copy, then you should contact the agency and make the appropriate request for their consideration. Please be aware, agencies have different policies regarding reviewing reports or providing copies of reports to applicants.
If you are not recommended for the position based on this evaluation, it does not necessarily mean that you are permanently disqualified from the job position or that you can never receive a positive recommendation in the future. However, most agencies require that an applicant wait six months to a year before re-testing occurs. Again, it is up to each agency to determine the time period for re-testing so you should contact the agency for their specific policy.