Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
A Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is a specialized counseling/educational session utilized with Public Safety Officers who have experienced an unusual, abnormal or potentially traumatic job-related event.Typically, officers are most often referred for the CISD service after discharging their firearm in the performance of their duties. However, any event viewed as possibly traumatic by a supervisor or the affected officer may warrant referral or voluntary utilization of the CISD program. For example, an officer responding to the scene of a murdered child can have serious emotional repercussions for particular officers. The majority of officers responding to abnormal or traumatic events only require 1-2 sessions to resolve or deal with their emotional reactions. For these officers, the CISD is more of an educational and preventative session vs. an in-depth therapeutic intervention.
Agencies are ONLY provided with a letter confirming the individual’s attendance of the CISD that also explains the program is NOT a
Fitness for Duty Evaluation.
****Please understand the CISD program is confidential in nature. However, confidentiality is not guaranteed in cases of danger to self or others, or situations
in which children or the elderly are endangered (instances of abuse or neglect).****
For additional information regarding the CISD program or to schedule an appointment, please call 305-442-8800 or contact Mayte Aponte, our Office Manager, at
Helpful Resource:
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)Officer-Involved Shooting Guidelines